Tag Archives | Arts

The Fighting Couple on Pinterest?

Pinterest!!???   Are you tired of seeing beautiful hair bows and amazing looking tuna casserole on Pinterest?  Are you looking for something with a little more KICK?  The Fighting Couple are finally on Pinterest!!!  Luci and I both post our finds onto our Pinterest site. We are always on the hunt for new topics, pictures, ect, so please share if you find something that we should share.  We are relative Pinterest virgins, so give us a follow and we will follow you back!  We promise!

1000 Fights Pinterest Boards:

Besides our ever popular “Fighting couple” board, we have a couple more that we want to give you a background on:

Flight Fashion–  One of our more popular posts was our review of the flight fashion of some of the leading airlines.  Haven’t read it?  You have come a long way baby!

Finding Hemingway-This is my favorite board.  I am such a Hemingway fan.  This is my chance to collect some quotes and unique pics of papa.

Una Historia Sin Palabras (a story without words)-We admire great photogs.  Sometime one picture can tell you a novel.  This is the case with this board.  I stare at these pictures and they summon emotion, wonder and passion.  My fave of this board is of course the Tiananmen pic.

Je Ne se Quois– This is Luci’s section.  Do you ever stumble across a picture that just takes your breath away?  It could the beaty of a fall scene, or a tender moment of a child.  Of course George Clooney made this board!  Enjoy!


So do you have a favorite board?  Can we be Pinterest friends?

The Fighting Couple Featured on Marriage Radio

If you just can’t get enough of the Fighting Couple online, you can now catch us on the radio!



Dino and Shannon Watt’s mission is to improve marriages around the globe.  They host a weekly podcast that highlights real world ideas and hints for couples.  They also run a great relationship site called:  The Business of Marriage.  We took some time to chat with them about the benefits of traveling as a couple.

Topics we cover:

What are the 5 things every Woman should know about traveling with a man.

How to travel really, really cheap.

And how to get a man to go see Jane Austen’s house.


Click on the link below to hear our recent interview:

Listen to internet radio with dinowatt on Blog Talk Radio


The Hottest Travel blogger of 2010?

Congrats to our friend Keith!  http://www.traveling-savage.com

“A hunter, oft-stubbled and bleary-eyed, driven by an insatiable hunger for exploration and experience – and perhaps a chance to thin the herd of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. From distant locales around the world to local spots in the neighborhood, I recount the triumphs, trials, and tribulations of life on the road and in the new.”-http://www.traveling-savage.com

Keith writes an impressive blog.  He delivers very tight writing and catchy and timely topics.  He is as widely traveled as any adventure blogger out there.  I think what makes his site the most interesting is his personal story.  His compelling story of how he came to the road makes for a good read.  We highly, highly recommend following his blog and twitter feed.

Twitter:  @travelingsavage

Congrats Keith!