Periodically the Fighting Travel Couple reviews helpful travel gadgets and gizmos. This installment features two items that make couple travel easier! We are even going to give you one of our lucky 1000 Fighters one of them! Sweet huh?
The Travalo–
Problem: Fancy perfume and cologne is extremely expensive, comes in fancy glass vessels, and is heavy! On top of that, try to get that much liquid on an airplane. Not gonna happen. So what to do?
Problem Solved: The Travalo is one of the most unique travel products we have come across. It is a great solution for the chic traveler. So heres how it works, take the Travalo, uncap your fave fragrance place the little Travalo over the straw of the fragrance and gently pump it full of the elixir. Its just that easy.
The nice people at Travalo have given us one to give away to one of our loyal readers. That could be you. All we ask is that you leave a comment below with your fave fragrance and where would you love to take your Travalo (Milan, Tokyo, or Paris). We will pick a random reader and send them one of these! So, who are you wearing? Our lucky winner will also be entered to win a $400 travel voucher from Travalo. YES!
Problem: You, like us and 99% of the traveling world bought a black piece of luggege. Why do we do it? We own three large black roller bags. Occasionally we place bets on how many other colored bags show up on the baggage claim. So black baggers, what do you do? Tie string onto the bag and hope that it stays put? Spray paint your bag pink? NO!
Problem Solved: With a bag tag or bag strap from our friends at you will never again take the wrong bag. we we love about IDmyBag is that they use really great materials and craftsmanship. What good is a bag strap if it rips or tears?
The real value in these tags is preventing theft. How likely is it that a thief is going to snatch a bag with a tag like this off the carousel? Very unlikely. The good folks at offers custom stitching and colors! Cool! Want to avoid couple fights? Buy one, better yet buy two.
Do you want us to review a product? Shoot us a message.
Disclaimer: We are not paid for our reviews. That wouldn’t be very fair? We do receive sample products to review. We will do our best to give you candid and honest reviews. We always put reviewed products to the test in the field.