According to Chinese tradition: “The dragon is a legendary creature in Chinese folklore. The image of dragon is blurred, strong, mystic, noble and untouchable. It is the symbol of power. Chinese emperors wore imperial robes adorned with dragon symbols.”
2012 truly was a “Dragon” of a year for us on many levels. It brought us Luci’s first trip to Asia. It was Mike’s first attack by leeches. So here it is, our Dragon year in a nutshell:
Key Stats:
Biggest month in traffic: June 2012: 19,604 unique visitors
Biggest day in traffic: June 5, 2012: 1,921 unique visits (Thank you Google!)
Countries visited: 4 (Thailand, Cambodia, Canada and Spain)
Number of posts written: 64
New Twitter followers: 2127
Number of travel photos taken: 1,653
Movie Stars spotted: Jon Hamm (AKA Don Draper from Mad Men), Mathew Broderick, Ben Stein (No it wasn’t a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off convention.)
Number of blood sucking leaches removed: 1
Sponsored blog outings:
Prince Edward Island, Canada
San Francisco Weekend
Most rustic accommodation: Our treehouse in the Thai jungle.
Most elegant accommodation: It’s a tie between the Waldorf Astoria in NYC and Hilton Millennium Bangkok Hotel.
Favorite Meal: This one is easy. It was our first taste of Cambodian Amuk Soup in Siam Reap, Cambodia. It is a mix of ginger, mint, and other spices. Soooo good. The entire meal cost us $5 USD.
Most popular Google search terms: Fontainebleau and Travel Ideas for Couples
Strangest Google search term: Ways to meet Korean women (good luck finding that on our site whoever you are in Internetland.)
Best dessert: COWS Ice Cream in Prince Edward Island. We may or may not have went back 7 times during our three day visit. Thanks to Cailin for turning us onto the delicacy.
Scariest moment: It takes a lot to unnerve us whist we are traveling. But while we were in Barcelona, we got boxed in during a protest clash between police and an angry mob with drums and chipmunk signs. Not really sure what it was all about. But both sides were fired up.
What books we read in 2012:
Mike: The Night Trilogy by Elie Wiesel, Stand for Something by Gordon Hinckley, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy by Stieg Larsson, A Journey by Tony Blair, A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, Drive by Dan Pink, Built to Last by Jim Collins, Great by Choice by Jim Collins
Luci: Ghost Solders by Hampton Sides, Jane Boleyn: The True Story of the Infamous Lady Rochford by Julia Fox, 1776 by David McCullough, Year of Wonders: A Novel about the Plaque by Geraldine Brooks, In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin by Erik Larson, Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo
Travel Blogging Conference attended: 1 TBEX (Travel Blog Exchange) in Colorado. This was our second year attending TBEX. We were not disappointed. Candidly, we thought that it was even better than the first. Both TBEX and 1000 Fights were a lot more organized this go around. We made some great connections. We also were finally able to meet in person two of our blogging buds: Overyonderlust and Worldlillie. We have decided NOT to go to TBEX 13. We want to try a different blogging convention. Any ideas?
Most popular Post: This one surprised us a little. 50 Ways to Say I Love You.
Luci’s fave post of 2012: My favorite post for the year is “Our Day of Decadence.” It was one of the best days of my life! My day of chocolate.
Mike’s fave post of 2012: I would have to say that our post on the Traveling Innkeepers is my favorite. Dan and Becky were so gracious to us. We loved our time in Prince Edward Island.
We rarely give a peek into our “non-travel” lives on this blog (way too boring.)…but this year was a whopper for us. Luci’s work was dominated by several pieces of legislation that she worked on tirelessly for two years to pass, only to be placed on a statewide referendum and repealed. Major bummer. Mike’s boss left the company early in the year and was replaced by two new bosses. Despite the challenges we have faced, travel continues to be an escape for us. Escape is not the right word, more like an old friend that we only get to see once a year, someone that strengthens and encourages you when you are with them. Something like that.
Of course we had our fair share of good fights this year as featured in our many posts.
To all of those couple travelers out there, we wish you the very best in 2013. Stay tuned to 1000 Fights, we have some pretty amazing plans for 2013!