Tripbase recently started a new project meant to connect travel bloggers around the world & share their awesome content. We were nominated by our friend Christina of Middle Seat View. Thanks Christina! We have been running our blog for the past year and a half. We have learned a lot. More important we have made some great friends all around the world. People that we would have never met. We are so grateful for their friendship.
So as a part of this project, we share 7 links. These are out babies, so it was hard to pick ones for each question…Anyway, here they are. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we had writing.
At the end of this post, we nominate a few travel bloggers to continue on the project.
1) Our Most Beautiful Post:
Our trip to South Africa was a tour of sights, sounds and images we will never forget.
2) Our Most Popular Post:
Hands down, Mike’s first Turkish bath has been far and away our most popular. Not sure why?
3) Our My Most Controversial Post:
Race is always a touchy subject. It can elicit strong emotions. This was a great guest post that took on the subject.
4) Our Most Helpful Post:
This took us the most work to research. We worked hard before we visited the sites to know what we were going to see. Writing the we did equally the amount of research. We have had a number of kind comments about it’s helpfulness.
5) A Post Whose Success Surprised Us:
We decided to host a little “blog beauty contest”. We wanted to highlight the great travel blogs out there. We didn’t expect much,and candidly didn’t put a whole lot of work into it. Turns out it went crazy! Folks voting and encouraging others to vote. It was a blast.
6) A Post We Feel didn’t get the Attention it Deserved:
Part of our blog’s mission is to collect great travel fights. Read our best one. Have a great travel fight, we would love to hear about it.
7) The Post that We are Most Proud of:
Swaziland is not exactly on everyone’s destination list to visit on vacation. We did. We were better people for it. So many lessons learned. I just wish we could have spent more time there.
Now comes the fun part. I’m nominating the following bloggers to share their wisdom by publishing their 7 links on their blogs: