Kissing Capitals: Barcelona

Best places to kiss in Barcelona

“Her lips on his could tell him better than all her stumbling words.”-Margaret Mitchell

Are you looking for a few good places to kiss?  We are here to help.  We are launching a series of the best places to kiss in the world.  We are calling it the best of the kissing capitals.  Our first nomination is Barcelona, Spain.  Barcelona with its warm ocean breezes, Eclectic art scene, and Latin vibe is well deserving.  The Entire Catalonia region of Spain is steeped in romance.  Kiss in Catalan is pronounced petó.  Peto has a number of different meanings…we will leave that between you and Wikipedia.

Lets begin our kissing tour at the top literally.


Overlooking the entire city of Barcelona is Montjuic. It is more of a hill than a true mountain, but the vistas night or day are dramatic.  Nestled on the banks of the hills are wonderful walking paths that meander through gardens.  Montjuic is a wonderful place to pack a picnic, or take an evening stroll.  Montjuic came to its prime through development during the Olympics.   Many of the Olympic events were held at venues on the Mont.  Montjuic continues to be a favorite of both locals and first timers.

Sunset is truly the best time to visit Montjuic.  There are a number of benches and stops along the trails up and down the mount that offer great places to watch the sun go down and steal a kiss or two!


fountianMagic Fountain

At the base of Montjuic you will discover a wonderful display of water, light, music and magic.  We give you our next stop on the kissing tour: the Magic Fountain of Barcelona.  A little history on the fountain, it was erected for the World’s Fair that the city was playing host to in 1929.  The original plans by designer Carles Buigas were initially cast off as an overly ambitious impossibility.  One year later, thousands of workers completed the fountain ahead of schedule.

Today the fountain continues to wow its crowds.

You will need to time your visit when the Fountain is in full splendor:


Winter: (October to April)

Fridays and Saturdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Music sessions: 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM

Summer: (May to September)

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Music Sessions: 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM 11:00 PM


Gaudi parkPark Guell

Could we have a tour of Barcelona without a Gaudi location?  Impossible!  Antoni Gaudi, the Catalan master of art and architecture designed a number of unique attractions throughout Barcelona and the Catalonia region.  One of his most expansive projects was an entire housing development for Barcelona’s well healed.  Located on a hill just outside the city is his vision of subdivision living.  Fortunately for today’s visors, Gaudi’s vision was a little deeper than the pockets of prospective investors.  Today, the entire development has been transformed into a public park and greenspace.  It is a masterpiece.

You and you lover can walk on trails criss crossing the entire development.  Climb the famous “lizard” stairs, and arrive at the main terrace.  It commands excellent views of another Gaudi masterpiece the Sagrada Familia Cathedral.  The terrace is surrounded by cozy benches that are designed to a tee for couples.  These unique benches are actually in the design of a sea monster!  Park Guell is a wonderful place to kiss your sweetheart.


Mountain tramOn the tram to Montserrat

Clinging to the crests of cliffs outside Barcelona is the Monastery of Montserrat.  For those couples demanding a little more adventure in their smooching venues, we highly recommend the tram to Montserrat.  The highest summit of Montserrat is called Sant Jeroni (Saint Jerome) and stands at 4,055 feet above sea-level.  The tram ride up to the top is truly an experience that cannot be fully described or missed!  Visiting Montserrat can be a full or half day venture depending on your interest level.  Don’t get conned into taking a special tour bus ect.  There is train service to the tram station.  It is a very affordable side trip for any stay in Barcelona.

How did we do?  Did we miss any special places in Barcelona?  Where do you nominate that we discuss next?

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4 Responses to Kissing Capitals: Barcelona

  1. A Nomadic Translator September 24, 2012 at 2:39 pm #

    aww, this is a cute post :) all great places to kiss!

  2. admin September 27, 2012 at 9:53 pm #

    Thanks. Kissing is one of the things we do well….besides fighting. Thanks for the comment. -Mike

  3. Quirky Travel October 17, 2012 at 12:45 am #

    Unfortunately on my only trip to Barcelona so far I was incapable of kissing anyone as I had the worst cold in the world at the time! Lovely ideas for the next time though :o)


  1. Barcelona for Begginers | The Fighting Couple - June 7, 2018

    […] Lets go see the city!  A quick primer. The city’s skyline and history is dominated by one name: Gaudi.  Antoni Gaudi (25 June 1852 – 10 June 1926) was a famed artist and architect.  His work is one of a kind.  You see his fingerprints all across the city.  The best way to get a feel of the entire town is to take one of the double decker open bus tours.  I know, I know, they are bit basic, but the hop on hop off buses really give you a lay of the land for your visit.  Take note of the sights that interest you the most and build your itinerary.  If you are traveling with your sweet heart, check out our post on the best places to Kiss in Barcelona. […]