It is time to put your world geography knowledge to the test. Take the Fighting Couple’s City challenge. Each city offers three clues. Guess the city that matches all three clues and you are awarded one point. Click on the Venn Diagram for clues and interesting info on the city. Answers are at the end. Good luck!
City #1
City #2
City #3
City #4
City #5
City #6
City #7
City #8
City #9
City #10
Awser key: 1)Budapest 2)Rome (+1 bonus point of you argued that the Vatican houses popes) 3)Barcelona 4)Paris 5)Istanbul or Constantinople 6)Bangkok 7)Amsterdam 8)New York 9) Vienna 10)Stuttgart
Need to get out more: 0-3 Points
Beginner Wanderer: 4-6
Travel Hero:7-8
World Scholar: 9+ points Well done!
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