In this installment of our Seven Questions series we want to introduce you to a new traveling couple species: An Angloitalian. Dale & Franca combine to make a traveling couple that are always up for an adventure!
Blog: AngloItalian
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1) What in the world is an Angloitalian?
Angloitalian is a word that originates from one of our first dates. On the second time we met up we decided that we’d walk around the town we were living to take some night time shots of our surroundings and each other. Inject some tomfoolery, some timed multi-shot laughs and a Facebook photo album the day after named ”The Anglo-Italian Connection Photo Session” and you’ve the origins of a cute name we thought identified not just that night, but our origins from different countries and the idea that great things can happen when you travel to see things and meet people.
2) If you had to travel with someone else besides your travel partner, who would it be? (this person can be living, historical or mythical?)
He Said: One running joke we have between us is my sarcastic ‘interest’ in the great Italian historical of Garibaldi.
During our few trips to Italy it’s always been fun to note just how many streets and statues in Italy are dedicated to this man who’s (after uniting Italy) actually had quite a shady past. I’d love to have been around Garibaldi to see the man as he really was, not as he’s remembered.
She Said: I needed to think a little bit about this question, but I’ve finally come out with an answer.
I’d love to spend some time with Anish Kapoor to get to know him better and what a better occasion if not a trip. I absolutely love his work and I’d love to see other sides of his personality. It could turn into a disaster and that he turned out to not be the man I imagined him to be but I could say that at least I tried it and seen the day-to-day life as an international artist.
3)What has been your favorite destination in your wanderings?
He said: During the beginning of October of this year we spent a week with some fantastic friends in Slovenia who across a number of days took us on road trips all over the country showing us just how much there is to see and do in a country full of fantastic countryside, magnificent ski slopes and cities full of magnificent culinary delights.
She said: It’s such a difficult question to answer, every place I’ve visited has something special to be remembered for. If I have to choose I’d probably say Japan because is such a unique country in many ways. Its culture and lifestyle are very different to any of the ones I know of. The food is probably the best in my opinion too, I’d love to go back there one day.
1000Fights: Do you LOVE couple travel? Want to be featured in our 7 questions? Just get in touch with us (here).
4) One of our fave parts of your blog is your quest to capture interesting designs from around the globe. Could you share with us your fave?
He said: We love to highlight all kinds of design from coffee shops to local trinkets and some items of clothing but by far I think the one we love the most are the Pandism tshirts from Bangkok, Thailand.
She said: I loved a small and cozy coffee shop in Bangkok that we went to called ‘Gallery Drip Coffee’. The interior design is simple, very nice and goes perfectly with their mission which is all about serving the best coffee by looking after every detail from the preparation to the serving.
5) How do you guys stay on budget so well? We are very impressed!
He said: I think it’s purely built out of the fear of running out of cash and finding ourselves stranded somewhere!
She said: We simply choose what to do carefully and skip all the activities that are ‘not necessary’ for us, in this way we can spend more on what we love like visiting art exhibitions or similar events and places. We also try to live more like locals instead of eating and staying in touristic places, couchsurfing helped a lot for sure!
6) If you could solve one problem in the world what would it be?
He said: This is a tough one to answer as unfortunately there are many problems in the world that need solving.
She said: I agree with Dale, it’s hard to choose only one. I’d definitely love to save the animals in danger to make sure they can survive and live in their natural habit without human disturbance.
7)You knew it was coming….What has been your greatest travel fight/disagreement?
He said: We won’t lie and say that we never fight, but we fall out all the time, generally over silly things so those moments don’t last all that long; but there was one moment near the beginning of our travels where we both got pretty darn angry with each other.
She said: It was during the first week or two of our travels and we were in Rome. What happened was that we were wondering around the city and whilst we just like to wonder without knowing where we’re headed, there are moments when knowing where we’re headed on a map is pretty handy, trouble is, Dale’s sense of direction and knowing where he is pretty amazing and before he’s looked at a map he knows where he is and where we’re headed, so when he wasn’t showing me the map to point where we were headed I got pretty cross.
It was such a silly thing but I like to know where I’m headed, it takes me a little while to figure it all on the map but I liked to know at that point. To cut a long story short, I got angry because I didn’t know where we were headed, Dale got angry because he was annoyed that I might doubt him.
Fast forward a year and I’m so glad that Dale is so good with the map that I tend to never look as it’s completely unnecessary. We can wonder anywhere and I know he’ll know the way to get back somewhere else and it’s actually enhanced our ability to wonder around the ‘off the beaten path’ places because I know he’ll get us back with ease.
Again, it’s only a silly thing, but at the time it felt like all out war. All couples will fight and those who say they don’t are lying. Spending every hour of every day month after month can be stressful, it’s how you learn to work with it that makes the relationship stronger in our eyes.
1000Fights: Wow! AngloItalian thanks for sharing your story with us! You can tell that they have a ton of spunk! Give their blog (AngloItalian) a follow!
Great article. Had be answering the questions in my head. Wonpder how Gordon would have responded! Will certainly check out anglitalians site.
Sorry about spelling, predictive text thinks differently to me
Thank you so much guys for having us here! :)
I love Anglo/Italian, I have been following them from the start and they always have something to say that makes me think a little differently. They always make me want to travel too. Their little pink critter, Pinkie, really gives me the giggles. You guys are so awesome!!!
They are fun! Thanks for the comment.